COVID-19 Epidemiological and Mental Health Challenges

  • Neeta Kumar Scientist, Innovation and Translation, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India
Keywords: COVID-19


In view of increasing reports of adverse mental health events after COVID-19 related deaths, and higher deaths due to COVID-19 among those having mental illness, this book “COVID-19 Epidemiological and mental health challenges†is providing the perfect blend of clinical-psychological connect with reader due to its user-friendly narrative style on mental health issues during COVID-19. This book written by a team of eminent psychiatrist and public health expert carries comprehensive compilation of the history of pandemics and handling of mental health, present scenario, past practices, and learning for the current scenarios. This book not only discusses the science of mental health during pandemics, occurrences/ prevalence, affecting factors but also much-awaited word on management in the home as well as in hospital settings. Due to its simple yet elaborated user-friendly narrative with elaborated evidence & references on psychological, aspects in public health, this book itself becomes therapeutic not only for scholars’ students’ faculties involved in research, but also for laymen, general public to understand the cause of what is happening deep inside in mind and affecting their body chemistry. Mental status is mutually connected to biochemical happenings in body. There are reported high incidences of symptoms of lethargy, weakness, listlessness, suicidal tendencies, and causalities due to mental health effect during pandemic and has been identified with cause, mechanism, and remedial aspects in the book.

