The Epidemiology and Economics of the Pandemic COVID-19: Heading towards a Doomsday Syndrome-A Global Recession

  • Raghuram S Kudligi Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Case Fatality Ratio (CFR), Recession, Doomsday Syndrome, China Wet-Markets


The year 2020 started with an impending disaster believed to be carried forward from China since Nov-Dec 2019 and today, virtually, no country is spared that led to the global lockdown amounting to cumulative output losses to a tune of USD 9 trillion. This paper carries out an epidemiological review of literature, attempts to simulate and replicate previous health crisis episodes and their impact on the global economy. It also analyses the concurrent events and shocks associated with the financial and economic downsides due to the global pandemic leading to a global recession, which the IMF predicts to be bigger than the Great Depression of 1930. Extensive articles from primary and secondary sources are referred to analyze the Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) and the impact of COVID-19 on the stock market trends. The paper also attempts to simulating previous shocks associated with recessions to the current situation, estimate the economic damage and concludes with possible alternatives available to governments apart from flattening the curve.

How to cite this article:
Kudligi RS. The Epidemiology and Economics of the Pandemic COVID-19: Heading towards a Doomsday Syndrome-A Global Recession. Epidem Int 2020; 5(2): 47-52.



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