Dental Caries and Dietary Habits: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study among Young Adolescents

  • Aakanksha Bharti Department of Community Medicine, Lady Hardinge Medical College.
  • JG Prasuna Director Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Lady Hardinge Medical College.
  • Pravesh Mehra Professor and Head, Department of Dental and Oral surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College.
  • SK Rasania Director Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine, Lady Hardinge Medical College.
Keywords: Dental Caries, Dietary Habits, Young Adolescents


Introduction: Dental caries is among the most common dental problems affecting humans. The prevalence and severity of dental caries is increasing in developing countries which may be attributed to changing lifestyle and dietary patterns that include binge eating habits and high sugar containing diet, popularity and easy availability of soft, sticky, high carbohydrate content food items among young adolescents.

Objectives: (1). To study the magnitude of caries among 5 to 15year olds residing in Kalyan Puri. (2). To assess the associated dietary practices among study subjects.

Methods: This was a community-based cross-sectional study in urban resettlement colony, Kalyan puri, East Delhi. An interview schedule was designed and pretested for dietary history and clinical examination was done using an oral probe, dental mirror and torch to assess the magnitude of caries. DMFT index was calculated for each child. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 11.2. The qualitative variables were expressed in proportion and quantitative variables were summarized by mean and standard deviation.

Result: Caries was present in 22.4% of subjects. The mean DMFT index was 0.48 ±0.991 with range 0 to 6. Study subjects who were consuming protective food items more than once a week were found to have comparatively less problems of teeth. Conclusion: This study gives the need for raising awareness regarding good oral hygiene, appropriate dietary practices and promotion of homemade, natural and indigenous products with good nutritional values over the use of processed food.

How to cite this article:
Bharti A, Prasuna JG, Mehra P, Rasania SK. Dental Caries and Dietary Habits: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study among Young Adolescents. Epidem Int 2020; 5(3): 10-14.



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