Involvement of Medical Colleges in Implementation of National Strategic Plan 2023-27 for Leprosy Elimination: A Roadmap
Leprosy is an ancient disease that is uncommon in many developed countries now but a century ago it was a common disease. In India, leprosy is mentioned in old Pali and Sanskrit literature. However, due to the development of scientific methods and technologies, leprosy remains a problem in a few countries including India. The government is committed to its eradication and therefore, has developed the National Strategic Plan (NSP) and Roadmap for zero transmission of leprosy. The country has a huge machinery of human resource development which is recognised by the Central Leprosy Division to be involved in various activities of the plan. This article presents the roles that public health and community medicine institutions can play in NSP to achieve zero leprosy transmission.
How to cite this article:
Kishore J, Paul B, Roy R. Involvement of Medical Colleges in Implementation of National Strategic Plan 2023-27 for Leprosy Elimination: A Roadmap. Epidem Int. 2023;8(2):4-6.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jugal Kishore, Bobby Paul, Rupali Roy

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