Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Factors Affecting Return To Work Post Stroke

  • Jeba Chitra Professor, Department of Neurophysiotherapy, KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
  • Deeksha MPT, Department of Neurophysiotherapy, KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Factors, Return To Work, RTWFAQS, Stroke


Introduction: Stroke accounts for 42% of cases with mild disability and 43% of cases with moderate disability, hence being one of the primary causes of disability. A successful Return To Work (RTW) post-stroke has been demonstrated to improve the patient’s quality of life and a general sense of well-being. The percentage of stroke survivors returning to work varies globally “from 14% to 73%”. Due to limited access to health care, education, career opportunities, and social participation, people with disabilities are more likely to become financially and socially dependent. A tool that assesses various factors affecting RTW post-stroke will give insight into limiting dependency and comprehensive vocational rehabilitation in the future. Hence, developing a tool to assess factors affecting RTW post-stroke is essential.
Method: The Return To Work Factors Assessing Questionnaire in Stroke (RTWFAQS) was developed using a multi-step method divided into two phases. Phase I was involved in developing a questionnaire, which included conceptualisation and item generation through the deductive method. Phase II was one round of expert validation of items in the questionnaire and identifying the Content Validity Index (I-CVI).
Results: The I-CVI of the domain was found to be 0.92, which indicates strong content validity.
Conclusion: The RTWFAQS domains may be suitable for the assessment of factors affecting RTW post-stroke based on the results of round one expert validation.

How to cite this article:
Chitra J, Deeksha. Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Factors Affecting Return To Work Post Stroke. Chettinad Health City Med J. 2024;13(2):21-25.



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