Risk Factors Influencing Anaemic Prevalence Among Adolescent Girls in Pathanamthitta District in Kerala

  • Jikcey Isaac Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry, Kerala, India
Keywords: Risk Factors, Menstrual Health Issues, Dietary Habits, Nutritional Education, Overall Health, Well-Being, Principal Component Analysis


Introduction: Anaemia in adolescent girls is a significant public health issue in Kerala, influenced by poor dietary habits, insufficient iron intake, menstrual health issues, socioeconomic disparities, and limited healthcare access. Cultural practices and gender norms further exacerbate anaemia. Addressing this requires comprehensive public health interventions, nutritional education, and policy changes.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Konni village, Pathanamthitta district, Kerala, with 200 adolescent girls aged 15–18 years from five schools (one government, one private-aided, and three private). Data were collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire from January to February 2023, covering socio-economic details, parents’ education and occupation, and dietary habits (age, BMI, type of school and family, mother’s education, monthly income, father’s occupation, and fruit and leafy vegetable consumption). Statistical analysis included percentage calculation, chi-square tests (p = 0.05), odds ratio, 95% confidence interval, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using SPSS 19.
Results: Dietary diversity was poor, with only 2% of participants consuming fruits and leafy vegetables daily, and most consuming them monthly or occasionally. PCA identified nine key risk factors for anaemia, including socio-economic variables like mother’s educational level and family type. Lower maternal education correlated with higher anaemia rates, likely due to insufficient knowledge about nutrition and healthcare.
Conclusion: The study highlights the significant impact of anaemia, with notable associations with age, father’s occupation, and fruit and vegetable consumption. Despite Kerala’s relative development, anaemia remains a major public health concern. PCA revealed critical risk factors, emphasising the complex interplay of socio-economic factors, personal hygiene, and dietary habits in anaemia prevalence.

How to cite this article:
Isaac J. Risk Factors Influencing Anaemic Prevalence Among Adolescent Girls in Pathanamthitta District in Kerala. Chettinad Health City Med J. 2024;13(2):54-62.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2278.2044.202429


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