Utilisation of the Unani System of Medicine Among Two Selected Localities of Bengaluru: A Comparative Study

  • Ashaq Hussain Munshi Medical Officer, Department of AYUSH, District Hospital Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir, India.
  • Arish M K Sherwani Head, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore, India.
Keywords: Utilisation, National AYUSH Mission, Unani System of Medicine, AYUSH


Introduction: The Unani system of medicine, a component of AYUSH, has a history of being practised even before formal healthcare took shape in the form of modern medicine. Though people relied for acute illness, surgeries and other emergencies on modern medicine, it still did not lose its importance in the healthcare delivery system due to its preventive, promotive and curative outlook. The purpose of this study is to assess the utilisation of the Unani system of medicine among the dwellers of two selected localities of Bengaluru and its association with demographic variables and comparisons between two selected localities.
Method: A systematic randomised cross-sectional study was conducted with the inclusion of 427 (207 from locality A and 220 from locality B) participants from two selected localities of Bengaluru using a questionnaire/ schedule. Data were analysed using SPSS version 20.
Results: The overall aggregate results of both localities in terms of utilisation indices were found as High utilisation index (HUI): 3, 0.7%, Medium utilisation index (MUI): 34, 7.96% and Low utilisation index (LUI): 390, 91.33%.Each individually studied population showed the results as HUI: 2 (1%), MUI: 11 (5.3%), and LUI: 194 (93.7%) for population A and the values being 1 (0.5%), 23 (10.5%) and 96 (89.0%) as HUI, MUI and LUI, respectively for population B.
Conclusion: The utilisation of the Unani system of medicine as revealed by this study was found to be low in both studied localities in terms of indices, and thus the data from the study can be helpful for making interventions and interpretations at various levels to make the visions and objectives of National AYUSH Mission successful in popularising and practising Unani system of medicine and other AYUSH systems.

How to cite this article:
Munshi A H, Sherwani A M K. Utilisation of the Unani System of Medicine Among Two Selected Localities of Bengaluru: A Comparative Study. Chettinad Health City Med J. 2024;13(2):74-80.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2278.2044.202432


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