Effectiveness of Trunk Control and Scapular Stabilisation Exercises among IT Professionals with Forward Head Posture

  • Heemali M Gandhi Intern, Krishna College of Physiotherapy, KIMSDU, Karad, Malkapur, Maharashtra, India.
  • Trupti Yadav HOD, Department of Oncology, Krishna College of Physiotherapy, KIMSDU Karad, Malkapur, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Scapular Stabilisation, Trunk Control, Forward Head Posture, IT Professionals


Introduction: As technology advances, the use of computers will further rise to lead to many musculoskeletal problems. Prolonged sitting at work or improper posture of the head during work may lead to forward head posture (FHP) among office employees, particularly among information technology (IT) professionals.
Aim: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of trunk control and scapular stabilisation exercises as compared to scapular stabilisation exercises alone in increasing the endurance of cervical muscles and the craniovertebral angle (CVA) of IT professionals with FHP.
Materials and Methods: The study included 34 IT professionals with FHP between the ages of 25 and 35 years. Patients who fulfilled the study criteria were recruited and assessed for CVA and endurance test time for cervical muscles. The subjects were divided into two groups for the intervention (Group A and Group B). Group A performed scapular stabilisation exercises and Group B performed trunk control and scapular stabilisation exercises. The participants were re-assessed to obtain the data.
Result: The results of the study showed that both interventions led to a significant reduction in FHP. However, Group B showed a significantly greater reduction in FHP than Group A.
Conclusion: The study concluded that trunk control and scapular stabilisation exercises constitute an effective intervention for FHP. The intervention had a positive effect on neck alignment by increasing the CVA and endurance of cervical muscles.

How to cite this article:
Gandhi HM, Yadav T. Effectiveness of Trunk Control and Scapular Stabilisation Exercises among IT Professionals with Forward Head Posture. Chettinad Health City Med J. 2023;12(4):47-52.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2278.2044.202371


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