Assessment of Attitude and Awareness Towards Preventive Dentistry among Parents of Anganwadi Children in Chennai - A Cross-Sectional Study

  • RK Swetha Intern, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • N Vignesh Intern, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • R Ganesh Professor and Head, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • B Selvamani Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • M Sasikala Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Priyadarshini Dental College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India.
Keywords: Preventive Dentistry, Parental Awareness, Anganwadi


Background: Usually, parents are less aware that preventive oral
health and dental procedures may have an impact on the general
health and well-being of the children. Parental negligence may result
in unfavourable dental and general health consequences. Parental
knowledge of preventive measures towards oral health is important
for proper oral hygiene maintenance, control of caries, care of primary
teeth in children.
Aim: To analyse the attitude and awareness towards preventive dentistry
among parents of Anganwadi children in Chennai.
Methodology: This was a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study
conducted among 316 participants. The study included the parents
of Anganwadi children residing in Zone-4 Chennai. A questionnaire
was prepared and distributed to seven Anganwadi centres which was
then given to participants and responses were collected after two
days. The data were collected systematically and analysed using the
SPSS software version 20.
Results: 316 study subjects participated in the study. The study revealed
a significant difference statistically in knowledge, attitude and awareness
among parents in various categories. About 81% of the participants
were aware that sugar and sugar-containing diet can cause dental decay
whereas, only 25% of them had the understanding that fluorides can
help prevent dental decay.
Conclusion: Awareness about preventive dental practices such as the
appropriate duration of brushing, the influence of dietary sugars on
dental decay, the impact of oral health on the general health of children
existed among the parents. At the same instant, participants were found
to be less aware of the role of fluorides in caries control, eruption time
of permanent dentition, timely dental visits and trauma care.

How to cite this article:
Swetha RK, Vignesh N, Ganesh R, Selvamani
B, Sasikala M. Assessment of Attitude and
Awareness Towards Preventive Dentistry among
Parents of Anganwadi Children in Chennai - A
Cross-Sectional Study.



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