A Descriptive Study to Assess the Public Attitude Towards Mental Health Problems in Rural Areas of Kashmir

  • Muskan Mushtaq M.Sc Counselling & Family Therapy scholar, IGNOU RC, Srinagar, India
  • Noorul Amin Supervisor cum Guide, Department of Nursing Administration, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar, India.
Keywords: Mental Health, Atti tude, Kashmir


Background: Mental health involves feeling good about yourself, effectively handling life's challenges, engaging in enjoyable activities, and making meaningful contributions to your community.

Mental illness refers to medical conditions causing significant changes in thinking, emotion, and behaviour, often leading to distress and difficulties in daily activities. . Similar to physical ailments, mental health conditions are treatable.

 Methods: A quantitative approach with descriptive research design was adopted to conduct this study.  The sample of 40 from Brarigund Chadoora were selected.

The attitude was the research variable.

Results: The study revealed that 35 (87.5%) of the study subjects were having neutral attitude towards mental health problems and 5 (12.5%) people were having unfavourable attitude towards mental health problems. The Mean ± SD) for 40 study subjects was 25.08±5.33). The p values showed that There was no association between Attitude of rural people towards mental health problems with selected demographic variables [Age (p=0.856), gender (0.802) and marital status (p=0.137) except for Education (p=0.019*), and occupation (p=<0.001*).

Conclusion: The study concluded that the Maximum 35(87.5%) of study subjects had neutral attitude towards mental health problems followed by 5(12.5%), who had unfavourable attitude towards mental health problems .The results  revealed that there was none (0%)who had favourable attitude towards mental health problems.


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How to Cite
Mushtaq, M., & Noorul Amin. (2024). A Descriptive Study to Assess the Public Attitude Towards Mental Health Problems in Rural Areas of Kashmir. Journal of Advanced Research in Psychology & Psychotherapy (E-ISSN: 2581-5822), 7(1&2), 1-5. Retrieved from http://medical.advancedresearchpublications.com/index.php/Psychology-Psychotherapy/article/view/3184