Case of Marital Discord with the help of SIS-II images

  • Nipun Ranga Research Scholar, MGVU, India.
Keywords: Marriage, Psychotherapy, SIS-II booklet


The current contextual analysis inspected the meaning of Somatic Inkblot Series-II as a device to gauge conjugal contentions. As conjugal struggles can add to changes in conjugal status, a powerful estimating method can be useful in understanding the issues causing marital disharmony and can hence be valuable in providing restorative treatment. The case includes a couple who was married for one year. Since the start of their marriage, they began having issues in their conjugal life. Their relationship was analysed using SIS-II and their reactions showed an important connection between the case history and SIS reactions, which were examined utilising content examination and psychoanalytical understanding. Psychotherapy meetings were held with the couple and after 12 meetings, the SIS-II booklet was administered again where reactions showed positive changes. Thus, Somatic Inkblot Series can be useful in estimating the viability of psychotherapy.

How to cite this article:
Ranga N. +Case Profile of Marital Discord with the help of SIS-II images. J Adv Res Psychol Psychother. 2022;5(1&2):7-12.



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How to Cite
Ranga, N. (2022). Case of Marital Discord with the help of SIS-II images. Journal of Advanced Research in Psychology & Psychotherapy (E-ISSN: 2581-5822), 5(1&2), 7-12. Retrieved from