Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship with Different Aspects of Student Life

  • Swati Y Bhave Executive Director, AACCI, India
  • Meghana Pradeep Research Assistant, AACCI
  • Jill Mota Research Assistant, AACCI
  • Shreekant Chorghade Advisor, AACCI Vidarbha Regional Centre
  • Latika Bhalla In-charge, AACCI Delhi Centre
  • Anuradha Sovani Advisor, AACCI
Keywords: Emotional intelligence (EI), social media, intra-personal awareness, inter-personal awareness, empathy, female college students


Introduction: The importance of Emoti onal Quoti ent (EQ) in personal happiness and relati onships for both children and adolescents is rarely recognized. The Associati on of Adolescent and Child Care in India (AACCI) conducts workshops to create awareness among students, parents and teachers including, multi -centric studies to assess levels of EI using standardized scales.
Aim: To assess the emoti onal intelligence (EI) scores in college students and study the eff ects of various demographic variables
Methods: Cross-secti onal study, using Schutt e’s Emoti onal Intelligence Scale (SEIS) students - all-women’s college in North India (n = 354: 17–21 years; M = 18.63 years, SD = 1.06 years). Group I: 17–19 years
(late adolescents); Group II: 20–21 years (young adults). Variables used - age, sibling status, academic course, extracurricular activities, self-perceived internet, social media usage and dependence, substance use, and self-percepti on of control over one’s life to see their eff ects on SEIS scores. The data were analyzed using t-tests and one-way ANOVAs.
Results: Those with social media usage showed higher moderate SEIS scores (p < 0.022) scores as compared to parti cipants who did not use social media (p < 0.022). The other variables did not show a stati sti cally signifi cant eff ect on SEIS scores.
Conclusion: In our sample, social media usage showed a signifi cant impact on EI. Further studies are needed to focus on the various aspects of social media infl uences and their role in EI.

How to cite this arti cle:
Bhave S Y, Meghana P, Mota J, Chorghade S, Bhalla L, Sovani A, Role of Emoti onal Intelligence in Young People: “Making Emoti ons Work for You, Instead of Against You”. Postgrad J Pediatr
Adol Med. 2023;2(1):4-14


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