A Phylogenomic and Evolutionary Perspectives of COVID-19

  • Embalil Mathachan Aneesh Communicable Disease Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology, St Joseph’s College, Irinjalakuda, Kerala, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8140-3888
  • Anoopkumar AN Communicable Disease Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology, St Joseph’s College, Irinjalakuda, Kerala, India. anoopkumar.247@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5319-8466
  • Siva Prasad MS Department of Forensic Science, Kerala Police Academy, University of Calicut
  • Sharrel Sharrel Rebello Communicable Disease Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology, St Joseph’s College, Irinjalakuda, Kerala, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2381-5611
Keywords: COVID‐19, Coronavirus, Phylogenetic tree, SARS, MERS


From the time immemorial, all drastic pandemics and associated pathogens have been under the spotlight of research in our attempts to identify, characterise, control and trace back their origin. Quite often such attempts have enabled mankind to find effective solutions to overcome such pathogen outbreaks and turn them to pages of history. In the wake of repeated infections in different corners of the world, its quite essential to evaluate if they are the cruel aftermaths of nature or any manmade error. In such as scenario, recent developments in the molecular evolutionary analysis offer us more information in-depth regarding the virus emergence, molecular epidemiology, virulence and evolutionary concepts, adding to the conventional strategies in viral epidemiology. The nucleotide sequences were retrieved from NCBI. The present study revealed the genetic variability of CoV, 2019-nCoV against previously reported corona viruses. Moreover, the genetic variability of COVID-19 from different affected corners of the globe are evaluated to get a better understanding of their modes and routes of spread across our planet.Such nucleotide sequence-analyzed information gathered from this investigation will definitely assist the intention and implementation of effective pandemic control measures.

How to cite this article:
Aneesh EM, Anoopkumar AN, Siva Prasad MS, Rebello S. A Phylogenomic and Evolutionary Perspectives of COVID-19. J Commun Dis 2021; 53(1): 78-81.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202113


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