A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice of Staff Nurses regarding Prevention of Perineal Tear at District and Sub-district Hospitals in Poonch
Introduction: Perineal trauma is a common outcome during vaginal childbirth, occurring in about 40% of women during their first birth and about 20% in subsequent births. Perineal tears are more common in women having their first vaginal birth. They range from small nicks and abrasions to deep lacerations affecting several pelvic floor muscles. It is essential to manage the second stage of labour with a controlled delivery that minimises trauma. So, every nurse should be aware of preventive measures regarding perineal tear.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding the prevention of perineal tear at district and sub-district hospitals in Poonch
Method: This study used non-experimental descriptive research design. The setting of this study was district and sub-district hospitals in Poonch. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 60 subjects. The tool included 3 sections namely; demographic variables, a questionnaire to assess knowledge containing 40 items and an observational checklist containing 32 practices.
Results: It was observed that 56.7% of study subjects had moderate knowledge, 26% had inadequate knowledge, and 16.7% had adequate knowledge regarding the prevention of perineal tear. There was a
significant association between knowledge level with the place of posting (p < 0.05) and during observation of practices, it was found that 46.7% of study subjects had satisfactory practice, 23.3% had inadequate practice and 15% had good practice. There was a significant association between practice level and place of posting (p < 0.05) and there was a positive correlation between knowledge and practice.
Conclusion: The result of the present study showed that the majority of the subjects did not possess adequate knowledge regarding the prevention of perineal tear, so there is a need to educate them.
The study also revealed that study subjects did not show adequate practice regarding the prevention of perineal tear, hence there is a need to make them aware of the practices associated with the prevention of perineal tear.
How to cite this article:
Choudhary GK. A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice of Staff Nurses regarding Prevention of Perineal Tear at District and Sub-district Hospitals in Poonch. Int J Nurs Midwif Res. 2023;10(4):6-10
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2455.9318.202315
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