Role of Psychological Flexibility and Social Support Satisfaction on the Mental Health of Young Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant mental and psychological distress, in addition to its impacts on physical health. Though young adults are at low risk of health complications from
COVID-19, they’re still prone to many psychological problems, during such times marked by uncertainty, ambiguity, and loss of control.
Objectives: This study was undertaken to determine the mental health status of young adults during the pandemic. It also seeks to look at the relationship between psychological flexibility and social support and
the mental health of young adults.
Method: A convenience sampling procedure was used. The questionnaires were circulated through Google Forms among people of the age group 18-35 years. A total of 211 participants completed the study. Depression,
anxiety and stress were measured using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21), and psychological flexibility was measured using the Flexibility subscale of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility
Inventory (MPFI), and Social Support Satisfaction was analysed using the Satisfaction subscale of the Sarason Social Support Questionnaire (SSQSR). The data were analysed using the Student t-test and Pearson
Product Moment Correlation.
Results: A significant correlation was found between social support satisfaction, but not psychological flexibility, with the other variables.
How to cite this article:
Fathima N, Sushruthi C, Dovina DT. Role of Psychological Flexibility and Social Support
Satisfaction on the Mental Health of Young Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ind J Youth Adol
Health. 2022;9(1):11-17.
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